As community leaders with safety of our citizens in mind, our board handles all complaints with adherence to a strict policy of ethical and moral principles.
The BLRPPR is honest and straightforward in all operations, and we are dedicated to making sure that the boards we oversee are as well.
About Us
The Board of Louisiana River Port Pilot Review oversees operations of the Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans, the Board of River Port Pilots Commissioners for the Port of New Orleans, Board of Examiners for New Orleans and Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots for the Mississippi River, and the Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners and Examiners for the Calcasieu River Waterway.
Our job is to ensure transparency from and accountability of the boards of pilot commissioners that set qualifications and standards for apprentices and pilots, conduct investigations into incidents, promote continuing education, enforce regulations and laws, and perform other duties to protect our state’s great citizens.

Quick Links
Our Board Members
Meet our Board of Louisiana River Port Pilot Review leadership team.
Pilot Boards
We oversee these four State of Louisiana pilot boards to ensure all operations are in accordance with all state statutes and regulations.
State Statutes and Regulations
Interested in what the Louisiana River Port Pilot Statutes and Regulations include?
File a Complaint
We make it simple to file a formal complaint with The Board of Louisiana River Port Pilot Review.
View our meeting minutes to see the purpose of our meetings, agenda items, actions, decisions, and other important information.
Contact Us
Questions, comments, or concerns? Get in touch with us! We look forward to hearing from you.
Our Mission
The Board of Louisiana River Port Pilot Review oversees the Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans, the Board of River Port Pilots Commissioners for the Port of New Orleans, Board of Examiners for New Orleans and Baton Rouge Steamship Pilots for the Mississippi River, and the Board of River Port Pilot Commissioners and Examiners to ensure safe and efficient transportation on Louisiana’s waterways, and to provide a process to make it easier to file complaints for unsafe and / or unlawful practices